In the mean time, solar panel prices have dropped. 500 watts x 24 hours = 12000 watt-hours.
That means having 20 100 amp-hour jars
20 x $200 = $2400.00
12,000 watt-hours/5 hours of sunshine = 2400 watts of panels.
Current pricing with the trumpery tariffs is 50 cents per watt
$1200 for panels.
Of course no sane person would use the batteries in parallel so with a 48 volt system we need just one Tristar controller $800
Our total so far is $4400.00
Add $400 for a pure sine wave inverter, and 10% for miscellaneous parts.
Call it $5500.00 and diy.
On a more realistic approach, I believe I could meet all my generator power needs with 1000 amp-hours of battery bank, and 1600 watts of panels. Remember--my hour meter says I used 100 hours only in the past 12 months.
So my costs would be $1000 for battery bank (used telecom jars), $800 for controller, $400 for inverter and $600 for miscellaneous supplies.
Such a system would run the roof air when the sun was shining, and have enough capacity to recharge the battery bank, too.