Forum Discussion

brisath's avatar
Oct 31, 2014

Generator Not Cranking - Onan Microlite 4000

When I push start switch on the unit, I hear the fuel pump and a click from the solenoid but no action from the generator. Here is what I've tried so far:

-Tested batteries, showing 12.8+ and I've got 3 deep cycles.
-Ran the engine and tried starting with engine running.
-Half a tank of gas.
-Found that the 30 amp breaker switch was off. Turned it on but still doing same thing.
-The last couple times out, it was having a hard time starting, and I usually had to run the engine to get it started.
  • Volts seem to be fine coming in and when I hit the start switch the cable going out of the solenoid registers similar voltage. My meter is jumping around quite a bit but it seems to be close to 13 on both sides.

    So now I should look at starter replacement?
  • Take the door off. On the left side you will see a big black solenoid with two large terminals on it. One will have battery power all the time. That side is where the battery hooks up. It may have BATT printed on it. The other side supplies power to the starter. It should have power when you try to start it. If it does not you have a bad solenoid. If it does have power the starter is bad.

    If you need a service manual. Go to smokstak Onan section post a full model and serial number. With an email address. You will receive a manual for free.
  • There is no cranking at all currently. The last time it didn't start when I was out camping, I remember a couple slow cranks and then it went to the state it is currently in, where no cranking is happening.

    Texas, can you give instructions on a simple test to determine if power is getting through to the starter? I assume it's fairly easy with a volt meter but electrical testing doesn't come easy for me.
  • Are you sure power is getting through the start solenoid to the starter.

    Cranked over very slowly but running engine helped?

    Cranked over at normal speed but engine did not catch?

    The first answer above is a dead giveaway the starter motor itself has a problem. Time to jumper the terminals on the starter manually and check starter cranking speed and amperage draw.