hud60 wrote:
does anyone know if I can pair a 2021 onan gen. prepped 5th wheel with a Honda 6500 generator? could a knowlable electrician be able to do this?
It should be possible, the EM6500 (not sure if that's the one you have) does output 240V across 2 120V legs. It will only provide around 25A per leg so you may not be able to run every appliance like you would on a real 50A power source.
Looks like Camco already makes a
dogbone adapter to let you plug your 50A cord into this generator. But, you need to be careful about neutral bonding.
I just saw that you said you have the EU6500 -- I'm pretty sure this inverter generator does not have a bonded neutral (I'm not sure about the EM6500, most (but not all) larger contractor style generators are bonded). This is where you might want to talk to an electrician, I *think* that an RV generator should bond neutral+ground but I'm not an electrician and I've seen sources online that say the opposite. If you have an EMS, it may refuse to let power flow of the generator is not neutral bonded.
some more discussion on generator bonding.
I don't see any ready-made 50A bonding plugs, so this is probably something to talk to an electrician about.