Bowfreak wrote:
Sorry I offended you and wasted your time, but typing from a phone sometimes is a little more difficult.
Such warm and inviting comments to a new member like me makes me want to come on here and contribute more to this forum.
Bobbo wrote:
Could you insert paragraphs or breaks in this so we can read it? I will come back tomorrow to see if it is readable.
Thank you.
There are a few people on this forum that don't take their meds every now and then, best to just ignore them.
I have two Champ 2000 gennys. One alone will not run my 13.5 AC, but the two paralled together work like a charm.
I find two 2000's work out better for me. They are quite a bit lighter to move around and one will work just fine to run the microwave or charge the battery bank.