Just after the first of the year I got a $75 off a $500 purchase at Cabela's. I also notice they had the Champion 2000 $200 off the regular price so I couldn't resist and bought one. I figured we would give it a try and since the majority of our dry camping we wouldn't need the a/c and if it wouldn't start the a/c we could catch another one on sale later and run in parallel.
Well today we got the camper out to get some cleaning etc down and thought we would try the Champion out. It started on the second pull and I was very pleased how quiet it was. I let it run for a few minutes before plugging the camper plug into it. Had the wife go inside and turn the fan to low, then high, and then to low cool.
Each time she bumped it up you could hear the generator kick in a little more but it never kicked the generator off. So she kicked the a/c up to high cool and it never missed a beat. After running for a minute or so I even switched the generator to the eco mode and it continued to run fine.
Next while the a/c was running we turned on the fridge and several lights and were pleasantly surprised the generator handled it very well.
While I realize it's not a 100 degree day outside I was pretty happy with the results so far. Especially how easy it started and how quiet it was.
Just wanted to update everyone on our choice. Will see how it does later this summer when it's really how outside or how it handles in high altitude in Colorado this summer.