MrWizard wrote:
LittleBill wrote:
ok i guess i will need to add this.
I am WELL aware of the normal startup procedure.
I am asking if a full load applied to a generator on a start will even start, or will the immediate load stop the engine from ever actually starting.
thats a double edge question
it really depends on the load
light bulbs, even halogen bulbs, are a resistive load
the will come on and brighten as the voltage comes up
so it might work
on the other hand , an inductive load like a transformer, compressor motor, pump motor, or large converter (aka transformer)
will overload the generator and choke it, because the instant start surge is greater than the load rating
you won't know until you try it
Resistive load (heaters/lights) current & voltage peaks coincide
Inductive load (motors/transformers) current waveform lags voltage waveform so peaks are out of phase
Capacitive load (capacitors/wiring/cable) current waveform leads voltage waveform so peaks are out of phase
You can start a generator under resistive and capacitive loads
Inductive loads will pull generator down/stalling it due to voltage waveform leading the current. the 'mass' requires full voltage Plus which generator can not supply while it's mass is coming up to speed. (generator is just a motor until at full speed)