Depending on the current draw of the flat screen your invertor would be better if it is within the specs of the invertor and batteries ability to provide current at a constant level for a good amount of time. thus drawing from the battery only and not using fuel to power up the TV. The Deep cycle battery(ies) can always be recharged while you tow and or are connected to the shore power. Now, if you want the A/C to keep from sweating until you pass out the genny would provide the needed 30 amps to power up that A/C as long as it's a 13.5k BTU and not a 15k as you may get it to run for a little while but you may trip the fuse if it's pulling too much or if you use the microwave or a hair dryer. I myself haven't had success with a 4000 watt to power a 15k A/C but maybe others have?