TomG2 wrote:
To the OP; You have been warned. Do not spend your money the way that you want to. Do not let people know that you even considered a modern open frame generator that sounds nothing like the dozens of contractor generators that I have operated. Just because the US government recognizes that it meets their noise requirements, it does NOT meet the requirements of your fellow forum members. Take heed or expect everyone to hate you for owning such a device.
The good news is that it will not be stolen, with all the much more desirable red and blue generators silently making power in the parking lots of the world.
Yeah man...really got the folks all stirred up. A lot of assumptions on intended use. Nothing new here though. I'm sure there will be similar ones to follow. Thought the Champ had a pretty good following on here for various uses and just sharing what I believed was a fair deal.
Still stand by my original comment that if I didn't already have another gen I'd be tempted to pull the trigger.
Happy camping all...