dougrainer wrote:
1. Your Furnace should operate regardless of the HP. The tstat will have the option of either gas furnace or the HP function. You do NOT have to rely on the HP kicking out and then wait for the furnace to come on. repost after you have tried the Gas furnace only mode.
2. RVP, all the HP does is reverse the flow of coolant to Heat rather than cool. You have a reversing valve that is electrically operated to open and close the reversing valve to either Heat or Cool. THAT valve, if failed would NOT keep the unit from coming ON.
3. Please state exactly what happens when you go to HP. Does it NOT come on at all? Does the fan come ON but when the compressor tries to start it kicks out?
4. IF your wall tstat does NOT state HP on the cover name or does NOT have a "Gas Heat" and a "Electric Heat"(this is the HP side) switch, you do NOT have the correct Tstat for you system. It will usually state similar to ---RV Comfort.HP that designates a HP wall tstat.
Since you state a 90000 series your wall tstat should have a LCD display. Does it? Doug
The Tstat does have gas or elect position
When it is on "gas" I get heat
On "electric",no heat,no blower.
If the stat is turned high enough,on electric,it will kick over to gas mode and heat the trailer.
The Tstat is the original one that came in the trailer ( We bought the trailer new)
It is the RV Comfort HP,Coleman Mach Model With an LCD display.
We use the gas mode more often that elect,as was said,it is more quite.But getting ready to travel in the spring I like to use the CG power and save the propane.
Even if I can't get it working,with your help,at least I won't seem like a complete dummy when/if I call a tech to fix it.