Well, I thought this would all be cleared up after having the house batteries tested today. However, both house batteries PASSED with flying colors.
Below is the results from the battery tests.
Battery 1
Rated: 405CCA
Measured: 451CCA
Voltage: 12.88
Battery 2:
Rated: 405CCA
Measured: 466CCA
Voltage: 12.86
Recap: Began boondocking about 10 days ago. 1st night ran lights (sparingly) and Endless Breeze Fan for about 8 hours with according to the fan specs it draws about 3 amps max. The next morning we drove the RV to another boondocking site and used nothing since we had a problem starting the generator at the new site but did get it started and ran for 2 hours. The next morning the generator would not start on it's own and I had to start the RV to provide enough juice to get the generator started. Each day I would run the generator in the morning for about 1 1/2 hours and 2 hours in the evening. Starting the generator in both situations required the assistance of the engine starting process. Time between generator starts: morning to evening was about 7 hours and evening to morning was 13 hours.
I read the voltage of the house batteries at 12.7 volts after charging the batteries.
Since I can't figure out why the batteries are not holding a charge, I need some assistance. BTW: All battery cables are clean!