ksg5000 wrote:
I would check the battery wire to the generator and make sure it's tight/clean. Also - check the ground wires to the chassis as they tend to corrode and impede battery performance (your battery and generator have ground wires to chassis). Starting the engine before starting generator is pretty common and I do as std practice - makes even more sense if the only reason your running the generator is to charge the coach battery.
Just curious how a loose wire at the generator would be a problem since the use of the RV engine started causes the generator to start right up! Since the wires are the sam as the ones from the house batteries? Also, if it was a loose ground wire, wouldn't this cause the difficult start all of the time?
As I try to run down the issue, I'm trying to understand why it's an issue to start the generator off the house batteries (x2 batteries) and not when I use the engine started practice?
This has me scratching my head…