While removing the contacts from Powerpole housings is possible, I would not recommend doing it.
The housings are not getting so hot to get anywhere near the danger territory, andf the extra voltage drop is negated by a slight twiat of the potentiometer.
It is only when i am trying to keep the maximum amperage flowing that I need to do some pot twiddling as amps taper to keep voltage from overshooting the target.
So I could cut off these powerpoles off the 8awg, and then destrand them to 10AWG diameter, and use my new powerpole racheting crimper to do a beautiful buttcheek style crimp, and likely lessen the temperature of the powerpole housings at 40 amps continuous, I am just not sure it is worth the time or effort or cost of the powerpoles, to do so.
I have tried an Anderson powerpole Knockoff, Aden Windcamp. I cannot be sure just yet, but it looks like the contact material thickness is slightly less than the Anderson. I ran out of andersons and do not want to disassemble one of them to put my digital calipers upon to test.
These powerpole knock offs are 5$ cheaper for 10Pair. They do mate with the Andersons powerpoles, and seem to be applying slightly more pressure on the contacts, as it takes slightly mroe effort to connect or disconnect them.