MrWizard wrote:
Just re read the earlier 2015 posts from DRPG And my self
THE parallel b wiring mod in my drawing is correct , it's all about where the avr gets its reference voltage
Suggestion, if it doesn't work
Put it back to stock, sell it, and buy a newer version replacement generator
I suspect that you are correct on where the AVR gets it's reference voltage. Good chance OP reversed the phasing on the AVR windings when paralleling.
In this case, the best way to figure out is to use a Oscope to make sure all windings are in the same phase (good chance wiring colors may be reversed from diagram)..
Most gens have only one AVR tap but your diagram shows 2 so one would have to select the correct AVR winding in the correct phase to make that work..
But, I believe the OP has long abandoned this thread and this project..