Hi Doug,
Where in my post does it say this is a bad thing? I received excellent service from the new company when my unit had a catastrophic failure. I.E. they replaced it. The replacement unit outputs a bit less than 123 volts compared to 120 for the original and I'm glad to have the "extra" voltage "headroom".
dougrainer wrote:
pianotuna wrote:
Hi Itinerant1,
I know they had changed hands by the summer of 2017. The new company name is Sensata Technologies. http://www.magnum-dimensions.com/mobile-power-products/inverter-chargers
WHY is this a bad thing????? Xantrex is a merger of Trace and Heart from 18 years ago. Magnum is FORMER Xantrex Engineers, that used their knowledge to build a better Product. AND, They did. Doug