Chappy and Junker wrote:
Ok everybody. I took 2 washers out of the tilt on the hitch. It stands straight up now. Then I cleaned the grease off of the L brackets and the bars. Then I greased the ball. I drove it from the campsite to home (353 miles) and it never made a sound!
Which means it's not working as it should. A properly adjusted Equal-i-zer WD system does require head tilt in order to properly transfer the correct amount of weight back to the vehicle's front steer axle, with that angle set by the number of washers used, typically 4 to 7, and when properly adjusted
will make noise. You really owe it to yourself to read through the
Equal-i-zer Installation Instructions and refresh your understanding of how this system is designed to work and what is required to install and have it adjusted correctly ... 'cause right now it's not.