False readings are normal and if you don't have them, something is very wrong, lol... :) Easiest way to check level is to peer down the toilet with a flashlight (if toilet drops straight down). I installed a shutoff valve behind the toilet so I can look down and see the level and for checking during the flush & rinse process.
Holding tanks come in many configurations and sizes and some are easier to flush & clean and some aren't. A few different ones are in the photos. A back flush elbow may not do much and same with an in-tank rinser. The spray just can't get to where the sensors are to do much and even if it does there isn't enough force to flush the crud off. Sometimes the factory installs the sensors at the wrong elevations.
I installed Horst Miracle sensors in a previous TT and they worked great. Installed them in our current TT and they don't work at all.
I run our in-tank rinser for 15-20 minutes when breaking camp and sometimes it gets it back to reading empty but usually not. Helps to fill the tank to near full before dumping and sometimes need to repeat it once or twice more. I use Liquid Drano (won't hurt metal or plastic) once or twice a year and while it gets the tank back to factory clean, it's not long before the false readings return.