A too much capacity generator is a lot easier to deal with than one that almost but not quite carries a load.
That's where a high amperage capacity adjustable output power supply - that is powered by an otherwise excellent, but almost but not quite generator - can come in handy for charging batteries.
Just turn the power supply's output up to as close as possible to the desired battery charging voltage, but stop the voltage at the value just below where the generator's maximum current protection circuit breaker trips. This will slow up the charging process a bit from what a larger generator could do, but allow the almost but not quite generator to be used to it's fullest capacity for charging any size RV battery bank at any beginning state of charge.
I've neever tried it ... but it should work.
I kindof simulate the same procedure with a 650 watt generator: I don't power an adjustable output power supply with it for battery charging, but I do use it to simultaneously power two small single voltage chargers for charging our RV batteries. The two small chargers load the generator pretty heavily but don't quite trip it's circuit breaker. However, the combined charging current going into the batteries is more than what the current would be with either charger by itself. I believe this procedure closely resemblies what would happen during battery charging using a small generator feeding a too-large power supply where you adjust it's output voltage to a value that doesn't quite kill the generator during charging.