eldel wrote:
I'd really like to be able to run the AC on my rig when I've got it parked outside the house before we take off on a trip. The 110V house supply isn't enough but I do have a 220V / 30A outlet in the garage which is a 14-30 outlet.
I'm looking and reading but I don't see anywhere where I can get a 14-30 to TT-30 converter. 14-50 to TT-30 yes. Is this even possible (assuming that the 14-50 converter just splits 220/50 into 2 x 110/25) or am I looking at wiring in a new circuit?
TT-30 outlets are 120 volts. DO NOT PLUG INTO A 30 amp 240 volt outlet or you will regret it.
If the outlet is 4 wire then an adapter can be fabricated
if not.. You will need an electrician to re-wire it and replace it with a proper TT-30 (That can be done. it's very easy but since there is a danger I hesitate to tell you how)