I am using a panel from my solar controller. The 13.2 reading was at 2am after two weeks unplugged in a storage yard I assume the panels had brought it up to that point that day. Previously after a day of towing I'd get a reading of 14.4 which would then fall to a more normal 12.9 after being disconnected.
Something is discharging my batteries. Even while towing or in the full sun on my 200w of solar the batteries are dropping. As I said I thought it was something with the fridge but testing with the multimeter made me think maybe it is something else. Am I correct in that the reading from negative terminal to ground should be 0 amp or very close to it? It seems weird to me that nothing would run without the ground and that there appears to be 10 amps running through it. Still confused :(
Tim Czarkowski