Yea, I know what he meant, I was just joking. If it was 10 amps going in from the panels(which run from the panels to the controller and then directly to the batteries) then pulling the fuse on the fridge would have almost no affect on the number, whether it was positive or negative. Instead it instantly drops to a normal amount(from 9.5 amps to 0.223 amps). I believe the solar controller won't allow current to flow the other way,but I assume a small amount must go to running the controller at night or in the shade. I can't imagine it's a whole lot.
Yea about that........... that was just my confusion on the fact that the negative and ground wire are the same thing. I was talking about another wire I pulled off the negative post because I was assuming it was the "negative cable". Now that I think about it, that might have been the panels ;) Now I know, lol.
I still haven't found whatever it was that was disconnected. Is there a better way to hook those three cables up? At least I think it would need a larger nut, it was still a pretty tight fit with only two. It couldn't be a bid connection with three.
Tim Czarkowski