j-d wrote:
The switch on the left side of SW6DE is to allow 120-Volts-AC operation, not LPG. You may or may not have a switch inside your coach that supplies power to that switch outside on the water heater. If you have both, then both have to be ON, and of course your coach must have 120-VAC running.
There should definitely be an indoor switch for LPG operation and that requires both LPG and 12-Volts-DC. The LPG switch should have a red indicator in it to show that it's ON, PLUS another red "malfunction" light to show that it has not lighted. Sequence should be: Switch ON, Both Red Lights ON, then Clicking, then roar of the flame, and malfunction red light OUT.
The noises you describe sound like LPG mode being turned ON, specifically the clicking. Should actually be a CLUNK (gas valve switching ON) then Clicking (the DSI sending sparks to the burner area). If it fails to light, you should hear the gas valve CLUNK again, to Off.
I don't know what to say about all the switches you're describing. I have one black switch outside and one red switch inside (the red switch is connected to my tank indicator lights and my water pump switch)