enblethen wrote:
Yes, it looks to be hooked up correctly from what I can see.
Trace the wires from the large posts. One should go to the chassis battery and the other large post should go to the house battery. The small terminal should go to a hot in run position of the chassis wiring. This can be tested by checking it for power with ignition off, then when ignition is on. The metal case is the ground for the relay.
The wiring to the large posts look fairly small. I would be looking as you trace the wires for a fuse.
youre right, its grounded and goes to the starter battery. however, the mechanic disconnected it and just left the terminal there. I can easily disconnect the battery, add the terminal, and reclamp to connect the positive. the negative disappears under the block, so I would pigtail it to ground to chassis to make sure.