enblethen wrote:
The large terminal wire on other side of relay should go to the chassis battery. t could be disconnected or have a fuse. Trace the wire out to the house battery.
The wire on the small terminal of relay is the one that should light up when ignition is in the on/run position.
You could apply power to the small terminal directly from the battery. You should hear a fairly strong click from it.
okay, gave it a try and there is no voltage at all from the small terminal, key on or off
. pretty awesome while you guys were saying try this, try that, I found a hanging clamp under the steering wheel, wrapped around another cable. it has an inline fuse, and a fuse sized clamp at the end. I happened to have an empty fuse slot for the radio, so I stuck the clamp in(traced first) and the large fans powered right up. they haven't worked since I bought it, and I'm now VERY excited to start it up and see if it pumps heat. thank you so much for that.