ajriding wrote:
Yes, so you have problems with the fridge as stated above.
Inside the fridge part you see the big aluminum fins. Just insulate those, not all, but start insulating a few. These are what takes the cold from the freezer and makes the fridge cool. If you insulate a few fins then there will be less transfer of heat (cold in this situation in laymans terms).
Maybe as easy as cutting some foam insulation and sticking it between the fins on a few. trial and error will get you to desired temps.
This does not fix the issue causing your problem, but is a work-a-round in a bind.
Sorry, not at all correct. The freezer Cooling unit coil and the lower section of the Cooling unit are separated. Those "big" aluminum fins are what removes the HEAT from the lower section, warm convection air rises up from the bottom back of the refer inside box and as it passes thru the FINS, they remove the heat, which results in COLD. The FINS are actually 10 degrees colder than the interior temp of the refer. So, if your refer is at 35 degrees the fin temp will be 25 degrees. Doug