Get a 12 volt battery. Jumper test leads, and a 12 volt test light.
Turn MASTER WHOLE HOUSE CIRCUIT BREAKER OFF. Then every individual breaker.
Verify verify verify the breaker panel is dead.
Connect battery leads to load end out on the patio. White is neutral common so make that your negative battery connection.
Connect 12 V + to black wire in question
Take test light to breaker panel.
Stab the breaker outlet screws.
Which breaker lights up?
Ain't cool to have multiple wires connected to a single breaker, but if that's the case, remove wires to isolate then re-test.
At the load end, feeding a receptacle can make things tough. False negative readings. A GFIC receptacle makes it impossible. Take the receptacle out of it's duplex and connect wires directly to screw terminals. Hint. Unplug things if you get strange readings during the test.
If you have to, unplug everything in the house when testing.