pnichols wrote:
The best thing would be to install a permanent ammeter in your coach.
First, install what they call a "shunt" in the main negative lead of your coach battery. Then, run a wire from this to wherever in the coach you would like a small and inexpensive digital meter to read current. (The shunt is not expensive either.) The meter will read negative (a "-" symbol ahead of the current reading) if current is going out of the battery and will positive (a "+" symbol ahead of the current reading) if current is going into the battery.
I've had this for years and it is real helpful for monitoring what current every 12V item in the RV is using and how well the batteries are performing and getting charged. I velcro'd the digital ammeter right on the dash where I can watch it as I drive or camp.
I have something similar. A permantly mounted 30-0-30 round analog ammeter from an old rideing mower. Shows what is going into or out of the battery at all times. Converter is 30 amp unit so works great.