First I never discourage anyone from buying a good tester and this is no exception. Simple and almost foolproof. Second, a very large number of RVs have a little(relative) black box with several inputs and several out puts on the back and switches on the front.
If you have this box all the rules change slightly. On the back are inputs for Cable, Antenna, and Aux. There are usually outputs for TV-1 and TV-2, some have TV-3. It's not hard to push the buttons and test each circuit for the appropriate input for the front or rear TV.
The Clicky will give you the manual for such a I/O box.
ClickySometimes these boxes are removed and the remaining cables are not put back in the default configuration.
As a side note, in the next two or three years these boxes should be eliminated. We have the box but it is hardly necessary. I have the winegard batwing and that is already set up for two TVs. The cable can be controlled with a simple A-B switch and the BluRay or Sat. can use HDMI connections. Soon I think the campground cable and antenna will be switched with an IR box(available now but spendy)and all other inputs will use USB or HDMI inputs.