EZ RED got all kind of upset and refused to credit a return shipment of a pallet of hydrometers because they were criminally inaccurate. One GC 220 battery versus 96 hydrometers. Hydrometer after hydrometer varied. .04 low .05 high. On and on and on. The company I ended up representing had to hire an attorney and threaten to file suit.
I'll leave others to their best judgement. But I'd prefer litmus paper over that kind of sloppiness. Precision is the name of the game when testing density. This is where the Francis Freas is unbeatable and it's 100% made in U.S.A. I've got a refractometer sitting in a drawer back home. Needed it, the battery was dead. I don't need that kind of aggravation.
The Euro is powerful so buying European must be done carefully to avoid wasting money. WiHa tools are worth the € But trying to beat the quality of a Freas instrument is throwing money away IMHO.