My storage area is too small for my non folding table (6'). Used to carry inside on the bed but that meant that I had to unload it first thing when we got to site.
I tabbed up a "drawer" of sorts under my frame from side to side. Used old garage door rails. Drilled four holes in the table sides and inserted the garage door rollers. Mounted the garage door rails under the frame of the tt with slot angle. Used flat slot metal to cap each end. One end I used pins to hold the flat piece in place. Remove pins and slide the table out like a drawer.
I posted a write up and how to on it, but It's been a long time ago and it's been archived. Will do some more digging and see if I can find it. Probably been 4 years ago, maybe longer.
**edit - the search function on this site is HORRIBLE. However, I did a search function through google instead and found it in about 3 seconds. Here's my original write up:
Under frame table storage