Pianotuna is a well known member here, doubt would be intentionally spamming and I suspect is digging around to find "bargains" and when Piano sees a bargain is letting others know about it.
Otherwise I would agree with your "sentiment" on taking chances with "used" panels unless you really know the history and you can go there and test them before handing over money.
As far as I am concerned with used solar panels, only buy them if you can travel to where they are so you can check the physical AND electrical condition. Shipping panels is a risky and sketchy business. They are over sized, shipping cost will be high and the odds of panel breakage are excellent in favor of you getting a bunch of broken dreams.
There are tons of scammers out there looking to make off with every penny you have and give you nothing but an empty pocket in return.
Folks need to be very careful of anything that looks like a "too good to be true" pricing on goods and services..
Right now during the Holidays and even through this virus issue the scammers are taking advantage of folks big time.
Honestly folks if you are this poor, you might wish to rethink the RV and boondocking thing.. New panels are decently priced for the wattage you can get, you get new panels and if they get broken in shipment well, you can get your money back or replacements.. Not to mention fresh panels will get you a bit more than the max rating and as panels age, those lose capacity..