marcindy wrote:
I say 3ft, but it is less, probably closer to 2ft. The length of the positive is different than the length of the negative by 6-10", I wouldn't think that would have anything to do with it- right?
Pos and neg can be different resistances. It is the total R on the circuit that counts.
A Trimetric shunt throws things out too, where you have everything neg going to one end and another neg wire from the other end to the battery.
On the 11.6, I am unclear where the readings are all being actually taken. If the inverter has its own voltmeter reading at its DC inputs then it is not co-ordinated with its own 11v alarm set point.
You could put your meter at the DC inputs and compare with the inverter's voltmeter.
I am not sure I have the direction of suspected voltage drop right anyway --might have that backwards. :( Need more coffee!