Indeed, it says "discontinued" on the Rogue website. Just when I was about to ask Marc to replace me that medical-white casing with black, like it was on the older 3024. After cleaning the mess that Mexican hurricane Odille left around the trailer, and following some deliberating with myself, have installed 3048 inside, rather than in a low outside storage with flimsy hatch. Black would blend into interior better. This thing is big, and techno-looking. I guess will have to paint it black now :)...
Though MS Tristar 45 isn't esthetically pleasing either. Midnite 30 - don't know if it even qualifies as "fully programmable" - is about same ugly as TS 45. Belongs in a powerhouse in a backyard, if you have one. Panels are getting cheaper, people are demanding controllers with 40+ amps, and they are all big.