Electrical storage is the problem. Approximately seven hundred million three hundred watt panels could drastically reduce hydrocarbon generation demand but it's the storage that is vexing. If you have ever seen Jacques Cousteau's kid's (Phillipe) yacht the halycion, he uses vertical turbine power coupled to prop shafts to move the boat.
I wrote a letter to Dianne Feinstein about "The Corn Conspiracy" in which I asked her why use-less-for-any-other-reason SUGAR BEETS have not been mandated FIRST into the ethanol producing program. Beets are less intensive to grow, yield far more sugar than any other plant except cane per pound. She answered the letter with a boilerplate response.
Sell the corn as fuel to a hungry world. It is an economic weapon.
As it is I relegate corn as a revenue generating instrument. Like some states place red light cameras at intersections then without warning raise the cost of fines then reduce amber light burn time from 5 seconds to four seconds.
Revenue generating instruments that fund PACs are legislative Holy Grail territory. The entire conspiracy is worthy of a full on congressional investigation but that would be like Burglars participate in the sentencing phase of fellow burglars...
Enough harping on my part. Younger members of this forum will feel it's impact. Some of whom use Bob Marley's Don't Worry Be Happy, as a theme song. I won't be around to see their 401K reveal itself as a 4.01K