No, it would not work, if I am reading your post properly.
To use the Pro-watt first you will need a converter, the current pass-through inverter is quite likely your CONVERTER as well.. Now that said, if it was installed "After market" there may already be a converter elsewhere in the RV (Is in mine).
Now, the Existing Xantrex has 120 volt in and out.. Two ways to wire the Prowatt.
1: Disconnect and seal (tape and wire nut tape over the nut) the 120 volt IN wires.. That way you can use them if you ever need 'em, Or (if they are not already done this way) wire 'em to a properly sized outlet (Likely 30 amp) This can be very handy if you have a on-board generator (more on that later).
Then wire the 120 volt OUT to the existing leads (likely just put a plug on the wires and plug into the Pro-watt.. See notes as well.
Option 2.. Wire the output of the Pro-watt and the old 120 volt IN line to the mains and generator in on a small (Same capacity as the breaker feeding the existing inverter/converter) automatic (or manual) transfer switch.. And hook the 120 volt out to the LOAD side of that switch.
NOTE: If the ProWatt is a MSW and your existing is a TSW some things may act weird or otherwise not work properly.. A few items have gotten hot enough to catch fire. (Night lights LED type, believe it or not, and some electric blanket controllers).
I really like TSW inverters.