A couple things to think about. Those batteries are not cheap and they weight over 60 lbs each, the 2k generators weight in at 50 lbs or less, the 3k are over 100 lbs. I use to haul a 3k out of the pickup but not anymore. State and Federal campgrounds are getting really strict about the noise levels even during generator hours, I believe its 68 db now and they do have a meter. Usually only the expensive 3k can meet the noise levels or the built ins. Watch the db levels advertised, they give them a 1/4 and 1/2 power many times so look to see if they give max noise or reviews where someone has tested them. I get by with 2 gp 24 deep cycles even in cold weather because I only run the heat at night and keep it set at 62f. I get through 2 nights if I dont use the inverter for the TV before the generator is needed to recharge.