HighCover wrote:
Will a Honda 2000 start an 11.5k AC unit?
I'm surprised you have an 11,500 BTU A/C rather than the more common 13,500 BTU size but that aside a single EU2000i
will start one of these A/Cs if you equip it with a soft starter such as this
Micro-Air Easy Start Soft Starter Kit.
I've owned 2 different Honda EU2000i gensets and contrary to popular theory NO genset, including the Honda, is truly "quiet" ... it's still a man made, gas aspirated machine with moving mechanical parts so yes, it
does make a racket. It's fallacy to believe otherwise. :R
EDITDid a search and it seems your
M17 Edge has an 11,000 BTU A/C ... equip it with an Easy Start and there's no doubt a single 2K genset would easily start it. :B