wa8yxm wrote:
However it can be argued that Yahama are actually better ...
SoundGuy wrote:
I don't know how you'd justify a claim like this, especially when it's a documented fact that the Yamaha EF2000iS (and who knows, perhaps other models as well) distorts the output waveform under some conditions and is known to destroy a Progressive Industries EMS. Ergo the reason Progressive long ago issued this Warranty Disclaimer. ;)
Roadtech wrote:
The EF2000iS is now replaced by EF2000iSv2. Maybe Yamaha corrected that issue.
That's true, but you can bet there are still and will be for some time unsold iS models sitting on dealer shelves so this problem isn't going to go away anytime soon. Unfortunately Progressive hasn't altered or clarified their disclaimer in any way so unless I knew for a fact this was no longer an issue with the new v2 I wouldn't be using this genset either with the Progressive EMS I do own.