DrewE wrote:
Portable generators generally have floating outputs, with the ground not being bonded to neutral. Time2roll said it well; you can either bypass the surge protector with its little switch on the remote (and trust the generator to put out decent power), or else make a bonding plug to also plug into the generator and bond neutral to ground.
Of the two choices I preferred to leave my EMS in the system and simply bonded my EU2000i output with a G-N bonding plug which solves this issue entirely but still allows the EMS to protect the trailer's electrical system.
To the OP - the title of your thread is confusing in that what you're talking about is an inverter generator, not an inverter. If it were in inverter the advice to use a G-N bonding plug wouldn't be so definitive as some inverters specifically warn against bonding, depending on the internal design of the inverter.