smkettner wrote:
GoPower 300w sine wave idle spec is 260 milliamps. 2000w sine wave is closer to 2 amps at idle.
My 175W Gopower has less than 100 milliapms idle current, I can hardly see it (the manual says 0.2A idle, but it draws way less). Alright, idle current is a different creature from the current "added" due to the losses when running some load. Still, 6A difference btw the "losses current" of 1,500W inverter and 300W inverter - considering that their idle current should differ by less than 2A, and at 4A load the inverter is practically idling - this is odd. Bad 1,500W inverter, IMO.
One good idea that I borrowed from Fred was L-brackets for solar panels, with rivet nuts in the side of the panel frame. Takes some time and accuracy for measuring and drilling, but the result is a reliable install with few parts and no shaking. Very happy.