I have a 2000w > 4000 psw inverter
I installed the inverter In a storage bay close to the converter and batteries,
Ran new 20amp 12ga cord, to bay with the shore cord, and plug into the shore cord with an adapter, I have whole house power in the RV, just turn off the converter breaker, which is a dedicated circuit in this RV, but I limit my MW run time, 2 minutes for a cup of hot water or warm up coffee, 20 seconds for some precooked mw bacon
Anything longer than 4 minutes I use the generator
10 minutes for the coffee maker uses a lot of power, and means more generator runtime when charging batteries, 10 minutes for the mw is a terrible idea
Since I retired some years back, I don't believe in 5 am wake up
I don't need to silently make a pot of coffee at 5am