Ed_Gee wrote:
Not sure I understand why one would fuse a solar panel. What rating fuse would you use? ...the solar panel is simply incapable of sourcing higher current than its maximum output.....a fuse could never blow. The other end is not a current source assuming it is a charge controller, so nothing that could provide current to blow a fuse there, either..... am I missing something?
single panel I agree. Multiple panels another story. Let's assume you have 6 panels in parallel. One panel develops an internal short positive to negative, each panel can supply 15A, Now all the sudden you have 5 panels suppling up to a total of 60A through the wiring on the shorted panel. not a good idea. The fuse serves as a isolation device.
Fusing requirements for solar panels are more focused on house grid tie applications where you could have a dozen or more panels in parallel.