Hi Doug,
The wire is fine. wa8yxm was suggesting that the "stab" connectors are less than splendid. I agree with him. For a 100 watt load they are fine--but lets try an induction cooker--or a heater. For those purposes they are not well suited.
I replaced all but one of my outlets with good quality screw terminal ones. I recommend that to anyone who wishes to run a high load device.
I also added a dedicated inverter outlet in the kitchen area. That makes it easy to have the toaster, induction cooker, and coffee pot all powered at the same time without over loading the OEM 15 amp outlet.
dougrainer wrote:
3. RV wiring not up to 15 amps? BS. The problem is, people connect TOO MUCH appliances on the circuits in an RV and overload the existing 15 amp systems. Doug