Forum Discussion

waynefi's avatar
Jun 19, 2014

It's hard to fill and dump

I find that it is hard to get my fresh water tank truly full, and hard to get the gray tank truly empty. If I just fill until it overflows, it will only be about 2/3 full. If I then wait 30 seconds and start filling again, it may take quite a bit more. Or maybe not. It still won't be full. When I empty the gray tank, and wait until the flow is a trickle, I often still have about 1/4 tank full.

I am looking at the tank, not trusting the indicator lights.

I haven't been watching closely how level the trailer is when I'm at the dump station, but it hasn't been way off.

Anyone have any suggestions? Do I need to be using leveling blocks at the dump station to get it leaning the right way?
  • dano73 wrote:
    Try using a water tank fill adapter, it screws onto the end of the hose, with a clear tube about a foot long. It essentially greates a vent, the diameter of the clear hose is smaller than a garden hose and the water is not aerated entering the tank. It fills the tank in half the time, bought it many years ago, couple a bucks, wouldn't be without it.

    I used one of those..third time I did the clear tube blew off the end and now is inside my fresh water tank.

    Oh well now I have a shut-off valve for the hose (part that was left after tube blew off) :S
  • Try using a water tank fill adapter, it screws onto the end of the hose, with a clear tube about a foot long. It essentially greates a vent, the diameter of the clear hose is smaller than a garden hose and the water is not aerated entering the tank. It fills the tank in half the time, bought it many years ago, couple a bucks, wouldn't be without it.
  • 2oldman wrote:
    Whenever my fresh fill starts spitting at me and I know it's not full, it's always the little vent tube right next to the fill pipe that needs cleaning.

    How do you clean it? I don't see anything obvious to clean.

    I've tried filling and emptying four times. The first time it started spitting, I let it rest for a minute and then filled for 2 more before I got a full tank. The other three times, I got a full tank the first time.

    I don't see any kinks in the part of the line I can see, but there are parts I can't.
  • I use the lego blocks at the dump to give a favorable tilt draining the tanks.
    Usually level is fine to get the fresh water full. But tilted the wrong way I can have a 20% short fill.
  • I fed an 1/8" clear plastic tube down the fresh water fill hose, until it reached the top of the tank. Made all the difference in the world, bleeding off tank air pressure formed when filling.
  • Fresh water tank not properly venting

    Grey tank......slows to a trickle but you can visually see 1/4 tank level
    Sounds like 'cut out disc' (installer cuts holes in tank from sink/shower drain and for dump line) was left in tank. It floats and then when you are draining tank is gets sucked down to outlet and blocks the opening.

    If not cut out disc....then vent line could be plugging up and you are pulling a vacuum but water in 'P' traps should get sucked out and provide more venting

    Think you have disc left in tank
  • I don't know what the gray tank problem is but the fresh water tank has inadequate venting.
  • You need to check you tank vent line for a kink or obstruction...
  • Whenever my fresh fill starts spitting at me and I know it's not full, it's always the little vent tube right next to the fill pipe that needs cleaning.