2oldman wrote:
agesilaus wrote:
But we cannot expect economic good sense from the people who think this is anything but stupid.
Does that mean stupid in the sense of making bigger batteries, or stupid in trying to fight GCC, or just currently stupid economically?
Pretty much all three. Batteries would make sense for a user who
Is not connected to the electric grid Perhaps someone in an isolated location who has solar panels but needs night time power.
As for GCC there is zero evidence that this exists, strong proof can be seen from the fact that the warmists refuse to debate scientists who insist on proof with their theories. Also Mann has fought (the warmist leader) for 6 years in courts to prevent his actual data from being published. He just lost in a Canadian court and we will see what can be seen. This despite the the fact that his research was paided for by the public.
The EPA is about to launch a red vs blue team debate. Scientists from each side will be assigned to one or the other teams. A team will post a question for the other team to answer and vice versa. All of this will be public on the net. Once and for all we will see what each side presents as evidence to support their theorys. For some odd reason the warmistas are howling like banshees over this plan.
And yes none of these alternative power sources make any economic sense. If they did they would not require massive government subsidies to keep them going.