2oldman wrote:
kerrlakeRoo wrote:
I guess I'm just to skeptical, I dont believe in people motives being honestly portrayed.
Perhaps. I think you're concentrating more on the types of people you don't like rather than the actual environmental problems with fossil fuels.
If a given person employed at a facility, college or whatever and is offered a grant to research something, there is always something that they are specifically to prove, or to justify. When the outcome is preordained by the requirements of the grants, the results will always give what the entity offering the funding is looking for, otherwise they may not offer you money again.
Hence I tend to often not trust anything being specifically funded by any organization beyond building, inventing, or creating. When the result is intellectual only, it will be politicized and bastardized to justify someones agenda.
When funding is offered to build something that is existing technology why is it that with every supposed great advancement, Tonopah as an example, some politician has to get their family members in for tremendous gains?
Skeptical? Yes,