Interesting post. I bought an electrical replacement receptical lately, made in China, the screws quickly stripped. That is not China's fault, it is the fault of the people that spec'd how the part was to be manufactured. Lowest bidder and all that.
I caught a deal on 2 Honda 2000's some years ago, used them for 2 years and sold them for almost what I paid for them.
I now have 2 Honda 2000's one I bought used about 6 years ago for $600, it has had little use and I bet I could sell it for what I paid for it.
They tell me that Honda replacement parts are expensive. I have had a total of 6 Honda generators over the last 20 years and never bought a replacement part!
You will never convince me the off brands are cheaper, maybe a lower initial price but not cheaper!
I kick myself often for letting a Honda EV4010 go with an RV I sold, I should have switched it out.