time2roll wrote:
9130 with the wizard might well be perfect all by itself.
What is your battery charging voltage spec? Wizard s/b very close at 14.4 volts. Did you say BMS cuts at 3.65vpc or 14.6 volts? I think you are already there. Do you really need to hit the cut-off or is that borderline over charging safety limit?
You might be right, it may be close enough. 14.4 is a little higher than I'd like to see, but to be honest I don't remember ever seeing higher than 14.2 coming into my lead batteries from the PD9130 anyway. I was using 3.5vpc (14.0v) when in my car and that worked very well, some of my cells are a bit damaged and would hit high voltage sooner than others (increased internal resistance in the cells, I'd have 2-3 cells that would hit 3.6v when the pack voltage was 3.5vpc even when the cells were well balanced) but in this case I'll be picking out 8 of the best testing cells so this will hopefully not be an issue (car was a 48 cell pack in series).
The flip side is I have no idea how long the charge wizard holds the voltage at 14.4 once reaching it (absorption mode). This is fairly important for the lithiums, if it immediately drops to 13.6 then the batteries would never be fully charged. Honestly it's difficult to get specific info on charging profiles.