I don't know how you can say it is all my opinion when it comes from a comunity that uses the cells for much larger and more powerfull builds than we ever do, and especial when you don't even use LiFePo4 batteries or cells. my opinions are based on the comunity that has years and years more experiance than us and from the manufactures of the cells own data sheets, not from compasnies that only assemble them and sell them and are more worried about protecting their bottom line by minimizing warenty returns and may or may not use quality parts, which is what your "opinion" is bassed off. how many cells have you bought, and how many build have you done? are you going to tell me if you use 100% of the capacity in each cycle your not going to get the rated cycle life that the manufacture of the cells rates them for? are you going to tell me that when using eve cells and they concider long term storage as greater than 3 months with no discharge or charging that they are not telling us the truth? untill you have actual experiance with moderen cells should you have an opinion, you have been bashing LiFePO4 for years saying they are not as good as your SiO2 which you don't own either, but rather rely on sales sheets put out from people who sell them. I would love for you to start reading studys and littiture from the actual makers of the cells so you can be more knolagable in this area and not continualy pump out misleading info about other chemistries of Li and try convince people that it applies to LiFePo4 also.
things are changing all the time with new generations of LiFePO4 and other Li chemistries that are new, for instance the paper on my cells now say I can charge at -10C, am I going to, proably not, 0C is fine for me as my cells are in the conditiond space so there is no need. for discharging they now say down to -30C, again the chances of me needing to discharge that cold is next to nill as the wife won't go camping when it is that cold, my self I would go camping to -15C if I had to and have a couple times. for the most part I agree with the last link you posted, but they don't say which cells they are using or what generation of them they are. this can make a big difference in some of the peramiters they are stating.. for long term storage I believe I stated between 0 and 25C , but I said between 50 and 100% which is what a lot of the recomendations are now. what I don't understand is them stating to preven freezing to keep them above -20C if mine are rated for discharge to -30C and a few new versions to -35C then how does -20C cause it to freeze? could be a older version would be my guess and more of an infrence from the older versions having a discharge operation range of -20 to 60C. at any rate thats not the recomedations for my cells from eve, and that page isn't from eve either it is a reseler's recomedations. I sent you the data sheet for my cells when you asked me to last year, guess you haven't read it yet.
I used my old 280ah battery for almost 3 years in the camper and realy I started out using it from 90% to 10% then later I change to 100% to 10% . I did shut the charge down on my last day of camping to drain it just off 100% so it would be 90% or a little lower when I got home, didn't charge it at home at all, but would charge it to 100% the day befor leaving to go camping. then while I was camping I would leave the solar on charging to 100% every day. in the winter when I wasn't using it all I did was tune the battery disconect on and let it sit all winter (only about 4 months here and only about 3 weeks of real cold other wise the normal high is around 0C and lows to -8C (that 3 weeks it does get down to -30 and this winter we had a week of -35) we did a capacity test the day buddy came and picked it up and I had lost 0.003% of my capacity in almost 3 years... so a loss of less than 1AH and yes I agree the worst thing you can do is have it at 0% capacity and cold, but that goes for any battery doesnt it?
every year it seams a new version of LifePo4 is coming out which have many improvments and the bar is always changing, this is the reason I went with the newer cells as I do go camping in alberta in the winter, well I use the camper to visit people and you never know when your getting caught in a polar vortex now days haha