“Again, how does solar do better with LFP? the sun does not shine any brighter?”
Again (a theme ad nauseam - lol), it has to do with the lower internal charge resistance of LiFePo4 vs lead acid, which makes the charge receptivity greater, which translates to a more rapid harvest time recovery, which from my perspective seems a bit self-evident...But then I’m not the ‘Expert’ you seem to be...
FWIW, There have been too many ‘real world’ accounts from various ‘tech-types’ who’ve reported essentially the same finding - Should these many reports merely be dismissed as disingenuous or of the inept minds of unqualified opinion novices?. Is there a burden upon any of these posters to furnish you a white paper to prove them in error??
Why not act the Expert, do your homework and submit your contrarian premiss head on??
I’m quite sure with enough effort you might find an outlier white paper contrarian opinion on the vast, world wide information highway - The best approach is to simply produce it so we can all gain the educational benefit !!
What I find strangely odious is that you Sir have spent an inordinate amount of time (and mischievous subterfuge to include even some fabricated ‘etchings’) at dismissing LFP’s, though you have no interest in them whatsoever - So allow me to help you justify your SiO2’s - You’ve made a Great Choice per your needs Sir!!
I honestly believe that some folks just have far too much time on their hands which results in errant key strokes akin to a dog chasing it’s own shortened tail - Just my no BS Retired Military mind at work here....
3 tons