" lol), it has to do with the lower internal charge resistance of LiFePo4 vs lead acid, which makes the charge receptivity greater,"
What does that mean-- "charge receptivity" ?????
If you charge with 55 amps for one hour you restore 55AH (except for heat loss) Heat loss is minimal until past 80% SOC with FLA. LFP also heat up
So are you saying you can tell the difference in restored AH after one hour at 55 amps with LFP vs 55 amps for one hour with FLA at different ranges of SOC? Does that show on your battery monitor? And you can do that with solar amps that are changing all day?
I am calling you on that! Let's see your numbers for a 50-75 and a 65-90 each way.
You refused to provide numbers before, saying you didn't want to go down the "rabbit hole". In fact, ISTR you didn't have a monitor at all until you got the LFPs and we got you sorted out on second, better monitor for the BBs (sorry if that was not you!) , so you only had "impressions", no numbers.
So time's up! Let's see your numbers for peer review or admit you are just blowing smoke.